Meet the Main Crew



The main character of the story. Angelqiue is a stoic but friendly woman, determined to discover the truth about Pyroland.



CC is the creator of Pyroland and the one who runs the show. Even though his appearance seems intimidating, he is actually quite a gentleman.

Kevin Conker

Kevin Conker

The Ringmaster with a powerful voice! He carries the same gentleman personality as CC, in fact he seems to be rather dependant on CC.

Nari Vendetta

Nari Vendetta

Nari is the contortionist and CC’s right hand woman. She comes off as a complete bitch to almost everyone in the circus.

Synthia Ribbons

Synthia Ribbons

Synthia is the animal tamer of the show, along with being the sweetest woman you will ever know!

Richard Minx

Richard Minx

The magician and the most off putting member of the crew. He is followed by small creatures nicknamed ‘sprites’ and they are the source of his magic act.